Boukare & Amy Ouedraogo
When I first started walking with the Lord, God put on my heart a passion to share the Gospel, preach in schools, streets, and in campaigns. In 2005, I had a vision from the Lord, in this vision thousands of people stood there, the crowd was multicultural and multiracial. There were people representing the whole world from the very young to the old. I saw teenagers miserably crying and calling out for help. Suddenly I heard a voice saying “Boukare, I have all of these people on my heart, go and tell them that I love them so that they can have hope and rest in me. The Kingdom of God is near, I will come with rewards and I will give to my sons’ rewards according to their deeds.” At the end of the vision I woke up with tears in my eyes, I asked the Lord to help me do His will so that I may fulfill the purpose He has for my life. I thank God for His saving grace and for confirming His Word in the campaigns and crusades we have put on thus far. All GLORY and POWER to the MOST HIGH GOD!
I believe in the salvation plan of GOD. He wants to save souls as well as provide for human beings physical needs by protecting, feeding, and healing them. As His disciples our vision is to carry out God’s commands. We believe GOD wants to save souls, therefore we preach the Gospel with power and authority and we also take care of the body, mind, and spirit, Matthew 25:35-36. That is why our ministry contains two types of activities: spiritual works and social works.
The spiritual works include:
- Preaching the Good New of Jesus Christ
- Teaching the Body of Christ through discipleship
- Healing and casting out demons to set people free
- Hospital, radio, and prison ministry
We want to be obedient to the Great Commission that commands us to go and preach the gospel and baptize people, Matthew 28:19-20. As a result we share the Good News in African schools, we engage in street evangelism, visit homes, and are obedient to God as we pray over the sick and cast out demons as Jesus did, 1 John 5:1-5.
We teach the Body of Christ to help them remain firm in the Lord. This is important because false teachings are devastating the church of God. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6 “my people are perishing from lack of knowledge…”.
Hospital, Radio, and Prison Ministry
We preach and pray in the hospitals, speak boldly for the Lord on the radio and at the prisons. This is an opportunity to call people to turn from their sinful life and follow Jesus Christ. God wants us to think about the sick people, prisoners, and all people in need., Romans 10:14-15.
The social activities include:
- Homeless ministry
- Education ministry
- Orphanage ministry
- Breeding ministry
- Farming ministry
- Children ministry
We provide the spiritual and physical needs of the homeless and helping young boys and girls from 7-35 years old. We believe God will change them and use them to build up His Church and society in the future. This is made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit. The homeless are a vulnerable population and are often recruited by terrorist. We want to reach them first for the Lord that they may be a light for Jesus Christ!
Promoting Education
As a school teacher in Burkina Faso, I believe we must teach young people “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable” Philippians 4:8. If we teach such principles in our schools the young people tend to have good behavior and are able to have a strong foundation to lead a successful life without alcohol and drugs. As we continue to promote education, we have future plans to build a school, so that we may also assist students through teaching and sponsorship, Proverbs 22:6.
The purpose of the orphanage is to accept orphans in distress, who are not desired by man for adoption. We want to provide affection, food, and medical assistance to babies 3-6 years old, Luke 18:15-17.
We try to fight against poverty in the church by encouraging brothers to breed pigs. We give a couple of pigs to others in need and when they multiply they give a couple of pigs to another family and the process continues. The pigs multiply fast sustaining their families while teaching them the principle of giving.
We provide instructions to farmers in Burkina on how to protect their land, how to select seeds, and how to take good care of the field, in order to expect a good harvest. We try to help people farm God's way. Please join us today and share your experience with us because thousands of African farmers are waiting for you as you are serving God that way also. We are always looking for ways to improve and we value your advice!
Children and Youth
We provide food, clothing, and discipleship to non-Christian children bringing them together in one place by sharing Bible stories, playing kickball, and football in an atmosphere of friendship and love. By pointing these young souls to Jesus Christ, we are building the Church of tomorrow. We will not allow terrorists to destroy the lives of these poor young people with their evil teachings tempting to make them into weapons of mass destruction.