Discipleship is needed in the body of Christ. Many believers are not equipped and feel inadequate in their ability to share their faith boldly with those who need to hear the Gospel. Fear of rejection and a lack of knowledge contributes to an atmosphere of helplessness in the Church that discourages believers from actively ministering to the lost.

What does discipleship at the Great I Am Global Ministries look like?

Through biblical principles we lay out a Christ-centered framework which teaches believers their spiritual responsibility. The Great I Am Global Ministries equips disciples to overcome their fear of the unbelieving world by putting scripture into perspective, which teaches us to fear God instead of men. A proper understanding of God's righteousness showcases His undeserving grace and mercy towards us as sinners. This compels us as believers to swallow our fears and have compassion for those who are perishing in their sins, just as God has compassion on us through His Son Jesus Christ.

It does not take a theological degree to talk to strangers about Jesus Christ. Providing the right tools is critical in training disciples for evangelism. If you send a soldier into battle without a sword he will not be very courageous, but if he is equipped with a weapon and has been trained how to use it he will have skill, courage, and confidence. The Great I Am Global Ministries trains pastors, church leaders, ministry leaders, and missionaries how to witness to the lost, heal the sick, and set the captives free. After the training disciples will be fully equipped to do the work of the ministry of evangelism.

Examples of a few evangelistic methods taught by the Great I Am Global Ministries:

  • How to develop compassion for the lost
  • How to overcome fear
  • How to approach strangers
  • How to bypass the intellect and speak to the conscience
  • How to show people their need for a Savior
  • How to heal the sick as Jesus and his disciples did