Kurt & Mary Simms
The Great I Am Global Ministries is an evangelical, non-profit, 501(c)(3) Christian organization created to build up, equip, and disciple The Body of Christ around the globe. Kurt Simms is an itinerant evangelist who calls Houston, Texas home. Kurt is joined with his wife Mary of 30 years of marriage and together they have two daughters who serve the Lord in the United States. His heart to preach the Gospel has led him to minister in the streets, homes, prisons, local churches, universities, and other countries, leading him around the world. Since 2012 Kurt has been ministering in countries and regions of North America, South America and Africa. Kurt ministers with power & authority preaching “The Gospel” confirming The Word by casting out demons and healing the sick to prove that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.
Help Make Disciples Of All Nations

Boukare & Amy Ouedraogo
When I first started walking with the Lord, God put on my heart a passion to share the Gospel, preach in schools, streets, and in campaigns. In 2005, I had a vision from the Lord, in this vision thousands of people stood there, the crowd was multicultural and multiracial. There were people representing the whole world from the very young to the old. I saw teenagers miserably crying and calling out for help. Suddenly I heard a voice saying “Boukare, I have all of these people on my heart, go and tell them that I love them so that they can have hope and rest in me. The Kingdom of God is near, I will come with rewards and I will give to my sons’ rewards according to their deeds.” At the end of the vision I woke up with tears in my eyes, I asked the Lord to help me do His will so that I may fulfill the purpose He has for my life. I thank God for His saving grace and for confirming His Word in the campaigns and crusades we have put on thus far. All GLORY and POWER to the MOST HIGH GOD!